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Do you know someone who is curious about the Bible? Do you want to discover a renewed passion for Gods Word or want to experience it in a unique way?

Join us on October 8th for Seven Mile Story with pastor, author and storyteller, Ross Breitkreuz, as he takes listeners on a captivating journey through the entire Bible. In just one night travel from “In the beginning” to “It is finished,” and experience hearing the Bible shared as one seamless story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you thinking about it like never before. This is the Bible for absolutely everyone and the perfect event to invite friends and family to. No matter what someone believes. No matter how much or little someone knows about the Bible, if you love captivating stories, you'll love Seven Mile Story.
Watch the video below.

Doors open at: 6pm with the presentation starting at 6:30pm sharp.